Sunday, January 4, 2009

Toothpaste Confiscated!

Yes, it was a LONG journey, but we made it to Guangzhou... by way of Minneapolis and Tokyo. Who would have thought "the meltdown" would have been over confiscated toothpaste? As we went through security in Minneapolis, I discovered that my Colgate and Princess toothpaste was over the 3oz limit. How these got through TSA in New Orleans, who knows... but both were confiscated! Mia was devastated! Tears rolled down her face and she needed to know how/when we would get them back. At least the TSA representatives went along with our solution -- that on our way back through Minneapolis, they would return them. I thought that would do it... and it did for a while... but last night as she and I laid in our slightly larger than a twin size (very hard) bed in Guangzhou at 4:00am in the morning, she asked me about the toothpaste again! I revised my story and said they would mail them to our home. She wanted to know if they knew our address, so I assured her they did. The day after my return, I will be at Walmart buying Princess toothpaste that will magically appear in our mailbox!

We went to bed around 1am (Guangzhou is 14 hours ahead of home CST) and woke up bright and bushy tailed at 5am! The sun wasn't even up over the beautiful Pearl River which our room faces. We tried to sleep, eventually gave up, piddled in our room until the breakfast buffet opened. We had lots of coffee and hot tea, then fruit and dim sum and wonderful treats. Then walked all around the hotel -- me following Mia as she ran every where so happy to be out of the air. Then upstairs for showers then out to a park where we met some other adoptive families and their kiddos. We played and played. Then met our guide and the other family (Victoria & Jia) and took a walking tour of Shamian Island (very small, very European, geared towards tourists). Then had dinner with our group -- very laid back and nice -- then back to our room. It's only 7pm here and we're ready for bed!

Tomorrow is Gotcha! Day -- leaving the hotel at 2:00pm to head to Emma... followed by what else? Shopping!

Love to All!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. I just love the blog. We are glad to know that ya'll made it to China. Have a great time and give Mia and Emma lots of hugs and kisses from us !! Luv ya lots, sissy