Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Heading Home in the Morning

We are about to walk out the door to head to the U.S. Consulate for the official swearing in... Unfortunately, no cameras are allowed and if I remember correctly this is a rather non-eventful end to a very long journey. Emma won't officially be a U.S. citizen until we touch down on U.S. soil (in Minneapolis) on Friday and go through Customs there. We'll be sure to take pictures of that one.

This will be our last post before heading home. My internet expires (paying by the day/week at the hotel) in about 2 hours and we won't renew since we leave the hotel at 5:45am in the morning. Our flight departs Guangzhou Friday, January 16th at 8:30am. We fly through Tokyo, switch planes to Minneapolis, change planes again and head to New Orleans. We'll arrive in New Orleans at 4:20pm on Friday, January 16th. Crazy, huh? We travel for something like 23 hours yet, we get there the same day we leave. Who says time travel doesn't exist?

Love you all... can't wait to get home!

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