Monday, February 22, 2010

Pin Early, Pin Often

Let me start off with I know "nothing" about wrestling... EXCEPT you should PIN early and PIN often. I have no idea what an escape, take down, half nelson or an alligator roll is... except that every time my son learns something new, he wants to 'show' me. As he talks to me after practice or a bout, I grin and nod like I understand... and when he's on the mat, I scream like a crazy woman. Go figure.

I'm truly amazed at how much he has learned, how naturally he has taken to this sport, and how he has matured over the past few months. Thanks to Coach Beebe and Zach's determination and hard work, he had a great first season as a 9th grader wrestling JV and Varsity.

That is a pin...
And that is a win! :)
This is my favorite move... when I see Zach get his opponent here, I know it's all over...

Another pin...

Equals another win!

LHS had the only 9th graders wrestling at the Varsity Parish Tournament... Zach won 1 and lost his last 2 bouts... It was a great experience.

He left there knowing what it takes to beat the best -- and with the determination to do it next year.

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