Emma's surgery officially began at 8:25am on Tuesday morning -- we anticipated a five hour procedure and were thrilled when they called us only four hours later to say they were finishing up and all went great. We met with Dr. Levitt shortly after and he said it went even smoother than expected and that she was in recovery and we could head back shortly. It was the longest 30 minutes I've experienced -- I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms! Emma was out of it most of the day on Tuesday, but by Wednesday was sitting up and talking. Thursday, she walked two laps around the floor and by Friday was heading up two floors to the hospital playroom! She has amazed us all!
She cannot have anything by mouth for 10 days, which means Tony and I take turns leaving the room for lunch and dinner. BTW... hospital food stinks! :) Surprisingly she hasn't asked except for once when we passed a water fountain in the hallway... Thinking quickly, I replied, "I'm sorry, Tootie, it's broke." Now everytime we walk down the hall she points to it and repeats, "It broke, ma!"
While I was out of the room today (eating Ramen noodles and peanut butter & crackers... yum!), Dr. Levitt came to visit and told Tony if she keeps doing this well, she may be able to eat on Thursday... yay!
We have a post-op appointment scheduled for Friday morning at 9:30am with Dr. Levitt. My assumption is Emma will either be discharged by then or he will discharge her during that visit. Then we start our journey home.