Tuesday, January 27, 2009
About Time
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Heading Home in the Morning
This will be our last post before heading home. My internet expires (paying by the day/week at the hotel) in about 2 hours and we won't renew since we leave the hotel at 5:45am in the morning. Our flight departs Guangzhou Friday, January 16th at 8:30am. We fly through Tokyo, switch planes to Minneapolis, change planes again and head to New Orleans. We'll arrive in New Orleans at 4:20pm on Friday, January 16th. Crazy, huh? We travel for something like 23 hours yet, we get there the same day we leave. Who says time travel doesn't exist?
Love you all... can't wait to get home!
Yun Tai Garden
Isn't this a great picture of one of the groundskeepers?
This is the four of us being silly -- making funny faces like those on the totem pole.
Now this is a teapot!
The Red Couch
Here's our beauties... and the four of us!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Buddhist Temple & Qing Ping Market
Late yesterday afternoon, I took an excursion with Suzy and Cathy. We took a cab to an electronics mart where we racked up on games and dvds. We took the subway back to Carrefour for luggage to bring all our treasures home on Friday. Then jumped back on the subway and headed to the hotel. It was neat to see and be a part of the "real China" without a guide. Needless to say, the three of stuck out in the crowd!
Tony and I enjoyed TWO bottles of wine -- okay, they were half bottles :) -- but they were delicious!
Here's Mia being a goof-ball... gotta love her!!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Liu Yuan Park
Two Artists at Work
Chen Family Temple
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dim Sum... and Then Some More
We passed the medical exam with flying colors and had them listen to the cough that Emma has had for a couple of weeks. No chest congestion, just a minor cold/cough and funky nose which we are treating with saline nose spray and some Benedryl. All else checked out fine... and Mom was right... she's 21.3 lbs. About the same size as Mia on her Gotcha! Day but 6 months older! Emma is a petite little thing with even 12 month pants falling off her cute little hiney!
And YES, they are dressed like twinkies! A mom can only get away with this for a little while and dang it, I'm going to do it. :)
We’ve had a wonderful day today… went shopping this morning, then a big family style lunch with our group and guide, followed by napping and more playing...
Earlier today, we went to the Pearl Market. I was in heaven – and Tony bought all his girls some beautiful treasures. Mom gets hers now… the girls will get theirs when they are 16. One of the benefits of being older, I guess. :)
And no ladies, those are not bags of Mardi Gras beads... those are the real deal!
The look of wonder on Emma’s face is amazing when she sees stuff she’s never seen before… Like today on the escalator, it was like “WOW”… her eyes were large, and she got this cute little grin. It made my heart full. And she gets her little tongue going just inside her lips going back and forth… she’s quite coy at times which is precious!
We had lunch with our group today and our guide ordered for us and we all ate family style. We've been trying to watch Emma's diet for reasons I won't go into here :) but I couldn’t tell her ‘no’ when she saw all the little dim sum treats pass by on the Lazy Susan. She ate all sorts of stuff and LOVED it! Shrimp dumplings, spring rolls, a BBQ pork stuffed little treat, some green yummy veggie, rice… She passed on the congee and went straight for the good stuff! She knows what she likes and will let you know when she doesn’t. It’s so cute the way she waves her little hand ‘no’ when she doesn’t want something and how her little leg starts swinging when she’s happy (mainly about food :)).
Mia is really loving being a big sister. She has been so helpful, getting things for us, kissing her baby sister on the head, helping with the stroller… We keep telling her how proud we are of her. I am SO glad she is with us. I can’t imagine being here without her. It’s been a wonderful experience for her, being back in China. But let me tell you what, she is an AMERICAN GIRL! She’s been walking around chanting her cheer… “Open the barn door, kick out the hay… We’re those girls from the USA. Swim like a fish, hop like a frog… Watch those boys, SMACK (picture her kissing here), Hot Dog!” Throw in some attitude and hiney swaying and you’ll have it.
We are finally done with all the official stuff… Only one more visit several days from now at the Embassy. So now we actually get to do fun stuff and relax. We all need it! Tomorrow is the zoo, and we have several parks and temples we’ll be going to over the next several days. Yay!